By World Renowned Expert
Prestigious Word By Clients
I was confuse, How to buy Blue Sapphire. I had searched so many websites but prices were so high and confused about originality then my friend suggested me the name of I surfing over there and found major collection of gemstones in bottom touch prices with Laboratory certificate for authentication of gemstone finally bought Natural Blue Sapphire and satisfy with it.
I bought Yellow sapphire earlier form market but it was not effected when i bought from Bhagya Ratan’s Website and i felt its effective. On my call to Gemstone Expert of Bhagya Ratan they clear my concept. previously I bought artificial it has same features as they told me. Thanks to all for genuine guidance.
When I came to India, I needed a salt water pearl so I was told about the Bhagya Ratan Gemstone brand and I bought a pearl and I was also explained the whole process of making a ring in the auspicious time and consecrating it with holy mantras and wearing the gemstone. Thank you for this wonderful facility.
Received the parcel safely. I found Yellow Sapphire Ring wonderful and as same as finalized. Extremely cheery with ring finishing, definitely looking up for more orders to be placed in future. Great job keep it up. Once again thank you Bhagya Ratan for wonderful your service.
I am very happy with the service provided by you for delivery in Bangalore. As I did not have enough time to search for natural ruby in the market and was sure that it is Narutal Ruby but with the help of your Customer Care service the order was delivered on time so that I could gift it to my son. This service of your site really inspired me to place another order of ruby ring which was delivered on the day of booking itself and on time. Best wishes for the best future for this excellent service of Bhagya Ratan.
Bhagya Ratan Astrological Help service is amazing and wonderful. The product is same as shown in the pictures on the website and the delivery is very fast. I was confused about which gemstone I should wear but your AstroGem Scientist Mr. Sanjay Dara Singh is really great. Thanks for this great service and I will expect the same service from you in future too.
My Pandit Ji advised me to wear blood red coral, then I got confused that from where should I buy it. I asked some friends, everyone said to buy it from any goldsmith then my best friend Rohit said that only Bhagya Ratan is guaranteed to get real coral. Then I ordered coral online on and I got authentic Red Coral with lab certificate on time.
I really appreciate the quality, price, care , concern, transperancy & service. This kind of service have seen first time in India. Keep it up. Will definitely recommend Bhagya Ratan gemstone brand to all of my known.
Received the parcel safely sent by Bhagya Ratan. It is amazing and exactly as shown on the website. Extremely satisfied with the quality of the gemstones, definitely looking forward to ordering more in the future. Great work, keep it up. Thanks again.
It was a great experience shoping with Bhagya Ratan as it was my first time buying something expensive online but you made it easy for me. The confidence you gave me has encouraged me to purchase other products from you in the future. Your ring size guide service put an end to my ring size dilemma.
These gems have been present in the earth since the origin of the earth. They were first discovered by the gods and sages in ancient times and also taught the proper use of gems. They have been used by the gods and sages as well as mankind from then to modern times. It is believed that gems have transcendental powers. In ancient times, gods and goddesses, kings, queens etc. used them in some form or the other. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is also known as Ratan Priya. It is written in the aarti of Mata Lakshmi Ji that - "Tum Bin Ratan Chaturdash Maiya Koi Nahin Pata, Maiya Jai Lakshmi Mata". The secret of getting the blessings of divine souls is hidden in gems.
At one time, gems were used only by the wealthy class. Today many types of gems are available. These are known as precious or semi-precious, organic or inorganic and natural or synthetic. Along with controlling the effects of planets, these gems are also used in medicines. Gems are also used to make many types of ashes and these ashes are used in medicines
Diamond, ruby, topaz, sapphire and emerald are classified as precious stones and all other gems are called semi-precious stones. This classification was done in ancient times on the basis of rarity and quality of gems, which is still being done in the same way today.
There are many mineral stones found in the earth, out of them there are only 1324 types of precious and semi-precious gems. Out of these only 9 gems and some semi-precious gems are mostly used. Gems are basically rocks or minerals that are cut and polished to enhance their natural beauty. They are of various colors and shapes. Since time immemorial, mankind has always been fascinated by gems and their beauty. Since ancient times, these gems have been used in the context of astrology and Vastu science. Natural energy is found in these gems. Today, gems are used for astrological, Vastu and astronomical purposes as well as decorative purposes.
There are many reasons for wearing gems. Traditionally it is worn according to the birth sign or in reference to the solution of a particular problem. It is believed that the gemstone removes all the negative energies associated with any zodiac sign. There are different gems for all zodiac signs. That's why wearing the gemstone of your zodiac can benefit you a lot, and you can avoid harm by protecting yourself from the bad effects of the planets.
The human body is made up of five elements. The energy, quantity, nature of each element is different - like the nature of water is cold and that of fire is hot. In the same way, the nature of the planets, their energy, the amount of their efficiency also varies. On the basis of these, it creates a different effect on each person, on some it is positive and on some it is negative. If the human body, planets and gems are worn in harmony with each other, then they are perfectly effective.
There is a lot of power in gems. They are said to transfer energy to people by body contact, and cure many ailments. Medical science has also proved that - Gems create a special effect on the human body. Chromo therapy or color therapy has been used to treat many incurable diseases since ancient times - for which there is no cure in the allopathic system of medicine.
It is also said that they bring good luck with them. So if you are facing problems in life in any way, you can wear a gemstone, and who knows, your luck might take a U-turn and things might start getting better.
Just as we cannot sow paddy at the time of sowing wheat, because in the cycle from seed to crop formation, the kind of weather that is required in it can be available only at a particular time. So that a seed gets such an environment in which it can take the form of a crop. Similarly, if a gem is studded in a special metal at a special time, energized by holy mantra in an auspicious time, and worn in a special time, the full effect of any gem is achieved.
Bhagya Ratan undertakes the work of delivering each of its gems to the customer only after complete all process, inlaying them in metal according to the gem, under the guidance of special specialist. Along with this Bhagya Ratan, the method of gem wearing and other process is also committed to guidance by its special specialists.
Whenever a gemstone is worn by someone, it is sanctified with holy mantras according to the planets of the wearer so that the gemstone can create its effect on that specific person. If we wear someone else's gemstone, then it will definitely have a negative effect because that gemstone was previously sanctified for someone else. That is why, according to gemology and astrology, the gemstone used cannot be reused for someone else.
While buying gems, it is said that one should buy from authentic shops only so that you can get pure gems. In today's busy life, who has time to go shop by shop and buy pure, certified & authenticate gems ? To make the process easy for you, sells the best quality gemstones online at very affordable prices. Which you can buy from the comfort of sitting at home. You can also customize the gems as per your choice, and get them made in the form of jewellery. This website gives complete information, so that you can be sure for yourself and then buy them. We also provide the facility of getting the gemstones fully charged with sacred mantras, which is done by enlightened specialists only. Bhagya Ratan believes in selling only the best quality gemstones. Best wishes for future purchases.